Sunday, May 31, 2009

Book Club

Book Club meets on the first Thursday of each month, at 9pm, at Bluestone on Central Street. So you know where I'll be this Thursday.

The joke, of course, is that there are no books brought or discussed. It's just a bunch of Lincolnwood School and St. A's dads (with a few others) who get together each month to have a few beers.

The kids think this is the funniest thing. Emmet will ask me each month, "So, Dad -- are you going to 'Book Club'"? His eyes twinkle, and he smiles his elfin smile, and he makes air quotes with his fingers around the words "Book Club".

It's been going for six years or so, I think; it used to rotate among various venues, but it's been at Bluestone for the four years I've been a "member". A few of the original guys still attend, a few have faded away, and there's often a new face or two -- on any given month there'll be 6-12 guys.

The club chairman's responsibilities include:

  1. Send an email reminder out to everyone the day before, ideally a well-composed bit of topical humor.
  2. Show up on Thursday.
  3. Umm, that's about it.

The chairman serves as long as he wants, and then as long after that until he can find someone willing to take over. For much of last year the chairman, Mark, wasn't really living up to his duties, and in September there was a bloodless coup and Lou was installed. Apparently Mark was a little miffed at first, until it was pointed out to him that a) he wasn't doing the job, b) he didn't really want the hassle in the first place, and c) being replaced was a chairman's primary goal -- he'd accomplished this early!

(Lou is doing a tremendous job, by the way, and shouldn't even think about relinquishing his title for a few years, at least.)

I'll never forget when my neighbor Jim came for the first time, and brought a book: "Three Cups of Tea". What was he thinking? At first there was...silence. Then some harrumphing -- a primary Club rule (maybe the only one) had been broken. Then sarcasm and open derision. After a couple of years now that has faded to good-natured ribbing, which will go on, roughly, forever. But Jim's a good guy, so he can take it. (He hasn't brought a book since!)

A controversy that preceded me in October 2004: One of the members felt compelled to state a clear case (via the email distribution list) for one of the presidential candidates that year, disparaging anyone who might support the other candidate. An email flame-war ensued, and things were a little testy for a few months, apparently. So in general we now steer clear of politics, and instead just share our innermost thoughts and feelings.

Hah! Hah hah hah! We talk about sports, of course, and trivia, and sports trivia. And local Evanston stuff, especially the schools and the city government. And kids, and work, and whatever else comes up.

When the bill come at the end of the night everyone throws in $20, and that usually covers the tab with a nice tip. Sometimes it's a little too much, and some money carries over to next month, but it all seems to work out.

Book Club is great camaraderie, and easily the best 20 bucks I spend each month.


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