It's always been weird at home, though. The Christmas card quotes are just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe every house is this way (ours certainly was growing up) -- I don't know. If you asked "Why?" about every strange thing you'd drive yourself crazy. To wit:
- There's a curly brown wig in Tupperware in the dining room. I'm pretty sure it's a wig, anyway -- I poked it and it didn't move. I think Fi wore this for her Irish dance demonstration at school on Friday. (Tupperware?)
- The other residents here are a dog, a cat, two snakes, and four fish. Friends of ours are out of town, so we're also taking care of their two gecko lizards and a fire-bellied toad. When I go to PetsMart I have to get some combination of dog food, cat food, fish food, frozen mice, and live crickets.
- We have a set of refrigerator word magnets, encouraging random poetry. Right now the fridge says "imagine|magic|monkey|music".
- I have some exercise equipment in my home office -- hand weights, a bench, etc. Often when I go in there I see that the weights are off the rack and arranged in interesting forms around the room. I suspect I have secretive house elves who have some interest in fitness, but short attention spans.
- At night Sparkles the Cat will sprint into a room at top speed, look around for a second or two, and then sprint right back out. I have no idea what she's looking for, or running from, or running to.
- A certain 13-year old's favorite word combination is "sump pump". Her voice always smiles when she says it, as the "ump" sounds play leap-frog.
- On weekends the boys take all of their pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals, pile them in Conor's room, and sleep on them on the floor -- they call it "the nest". Lately they've been stuffing all of this inside their comforter covers, to create two "portable nests" they can drag around.
- Even though he weighs 55 pounds Elvis is convinced he's a lap dog, and doesn't understand why he doesn't fit on you on the chair.
- Strewn about the house are boys' pants, always with one leg inside out. I haven't noticed yet if it's always the same leg.
So when I'm getting the winter blahs, or cabin fever, or whatever, I just imagine magic monkey music, and everything's a little better. And a little weirder.

Imagine magic monkey music? You must have a well-appointed set of magnets to support such heavy "m" use. I suspect a "w" has been usurped for that purpose.
Hope all is well with you, your spirit certainly sounds high.
You crack me up!
I have noticed the same phenomenon with boys' pant legs in this house, too. Weird.
I don't know where you're from but we call 'em forts, not nests. Portable, huh? I like it.
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